Thibault Milan Get In Touch

Get In Touch

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My tech watch delivered right into your inbox, every 2 weeks or so.

Started a little bit before joining Smile, I started doing some curation on my tech watch online and started to publish it on GetRevue. The topics could be from nerdy stuff to very marketing elements. And I tried to update the people with the stuff happening in my pro / personal life.

When I got my new position of Innovation Evangelist at Smile, and having the opportunity to design my job, I integrated this tech watch to my work. Starting with only internal newsletter + posting on Innovation's Squad Medium. The rhythm increased significantly and reach 2 publication per month. We opened a dedicated list on our Mailchimp after 6 months and you can subscribe to my Techwatch at Smile for free.

If you want, you can get the past issue list of what I published on Mailchimp for Smile but, as I said, it's available on Medium too.